NEWS: Thursday 4/25/2019
- Currently we do not accept any new affiliates, until further notice.
Dear webmasters, we shoot content for our websites only! We do not sell content! If you see our content used by other affiliate programs, please contact us!
All photographic Images and videos are the sole and exclusive
property of Internet Projects, which is the copyright holder to each
and every photograph and/or video emanating from its databases. All rights are
reserved and unauthorized duplication or usage in whole or part is
a direct violation of applicable copyright laws. Image alteration
is also a direct violation of United States copyright laws. Fraudulent
copyright notices and/or the removal of any Internet Projects copyright
notice are criminal offenses. 17 U.S.C. § 506 Any person or entity
who obtains, or has custody or control of, any photograph/video copyrighted
by Internet Projects consents to the personal jurisdiction of California
as the forum to resolve any and all disputes that may arise between
Internet Projects and any such person or entity.